3 Ways To Save On Your Utility Bills This Summer

Northern California Home with Solar Panels

With the cost of gas, electricity, and water all rising, you’ve likely already taken some of the more common steps to reduce your bills - things like using appliances during off peak hours, taking shorter showers and setting the AC to a higher temperature than usual. While these are all great ideas, TheHomeMag Northern California has a few ideas that you may not have already thought of.

1. Consider Artificial Turf

In hot, dry areas like much of Northern California, one square foot of live lawn uses about 55 gallons of water a year. Switching 500 square feet of live lawn to waterless turf can save nearly $1,000 every year. According to Northern California artificial lawn experts Purchase Green, “an estimated 80% of all residential water usage is outdoor and irrigation.” Imagine cutting your water bill down by 80%! While there is an initial cost with installing artificial turf, it’s easy to see how much money it can end up saving you.

If you prefer a natural lawn, hiring a quality and reputable landscaper can actually help you save money on unnecessary water use as well as help you choose more drought resistant landscaping. Whichever route you choose, we always recommend hiring a local, licensed professional like one of our Find A Pro’s to help you find the best value - saving you valuable time and money over the long run.

2. Thermal Imaging Attic Inspection

Are you paying too much for your utilities? You might have already checked out the sealing on your doors and windows to make sure there isn’t a draft here’s a unique idea you probably haven’t thought of - having a company use thermal imaging technology to identify sources of heating & cooling loss. The attic insulation specialists at Alley Cat use this technology so that you can know your home is properly insulated and your hard-earned money stays where it belongs - your pocket! They’re also experts in finding effective weatherization solutions that will help you save energy and lower your heating and cooling bills.

3. Keep in Mind There are Rebates for Solar Installation

While you know solar power can save you money on your electricity bills, did you know you can also get federal tax credits when you install by 2023? All models of Solitude Solar Operable Skylights are eligible for federal tax rebates. While we recommend speaking to a tax professional to most accurately determine the impact of the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) on your federal taxes, you can expect to score some major tax rebates! If you use PG&E, you can even use their Go Green Home energy financing to finance your home energy upgrades.

…& Don’t Forget the Basics!

Of course, these are just a few ideas to lower your utility costs. There are plenty of other ways like:

While some of these may require an investment up front, as long as you hire a reputable company, you’re certain to save money over time and help the enviroment, all while improving your home value - and home enjoyment.


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